OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR2 8.12

Update OneCNCXR2 V8.12 all versions release date April 5 2007

This update applies to all versions of OneCNCXR2

This is the first release version of OneCNCXR2 designed for the Windows Vista operating system as well as for Windows XP and Windows2000.

Remember before you install Windows Vista and or OneCNCXR2 on your PC run the Microsoft Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor to determine that your hardware is suitable.

If purchasing a new PC be careful about PC's being listed as Windows Vista capable. You should also check Windows Vista Ready PC's. Check here for more information.

Also check the OneCNC Forum because some users already have experiences to offer and there will no doubt be more users as time proceeds.

A special note about the installation of OneCNCXR2 on Windows Vista:

Our experience on installing the retail versions of Microsoft Windows Vista Premium and Ultimate is that the graphic card drivers are out of date on the supplied CDROM compared to what is available from the suppliers on the web. If you have an NVIDIA card for example as soon as you install Windows Vista connect to the web and get the latest graphics drivers before installing any software.

Our experience is that if you do not do this OneCNCXR2 will not run to the optimum it is designed to do. Our experience is that if you load the latest drivers OneCNCXR2 will perform equally as well as on Windows XP with the added advantages that the Windows Vista offers.

This OneCNCXR2 version 8.12 is now suitable for:

Windows Vista 32 or 64 Bit versions
Windows XP 32 or 64 Bit versions
Windows 2000

If you are running Windows 2000 or Windows XP you just need to install this update over your present version of OneCNCXR2.

The transparency display of the file for tracing was removed due to technical difficulties with Vista although the functionality of auto trace is not affected.

First we list the update that applies to all versions of OneCNCXR2

- Totally new Windows Vista compliant graphic engine in all versions.
This graphic engine is Designed for Windows Vista but works equally well in the Windows 2000 or Windows XP 32 or 64 Bit operating systems.

To use the OneCNCXR2 designed for vista we recommend that you do the following.

If using existing hardware prior to installing Windows Vista run the Windows Advisor to check that your hardware is suitable to run Windows Vista.

If purchasing new hardware ensure that it will support Windows Vista and also ensure that you have a good graphics card Nvidia 7 series or equivalent with a minimum of 256Meg of ram on the card.

- New Ability to support Space Navigator 3D device.
The addition of the Space Navigator provides and added tool for the OneCNCXR2 user. This allows All Time Real Time Zoom Pan and Rotate of the model in OneCNCXR2 even while functions are being used or even if there are dialogs open on the screen the Navigator is still functional.

This does not replace the mouse but provides a tool to speed the software for 3D work.

Not only can you control all the dynamic viewing you can click the right device button to set all your preferences of movement and the left button is a "fit all" in OneCNCXR2.

More information on the Space Navigator can be found here.

A special note about the installation of this device:

If you purchase this device it will come with an installation CD in the box. We have found these to be the old drivers and are not suitable. Yo need to go to their web site and download the latest driver for the device.


- New ability to handle True Type fonts in 3D including Test and Dimensions.
This now gives you the ability to use True Type Fonts on all 3D planes. Wherever you place the plane you can now apply the True Type Fonts either as text or dimensions.

- New ability to create PDF of model with dimensioning and or text.
You can now create a PDF including geometry model True Type Fonts and or Dimensions.

- New ability to print from the PDF dimensioned models.
You can now print the model including dimensions and text and or geometry.

-New ability to display True Type fonts either filled or not.
You can now set in Properties> Display> the ability to have outline True Type fonts or Filled style.

-New dynamic rotation view based on center of model
The rotation dynamic control is now based on the center of the model irrespective of the XYZ coordinate position of the model.

-New mouse wheel control on Main Screen Preview Simulation and Rest Robot
You can now set the mouse wheel to Solidworks style and the style is applied to the Main drawing window as well as the preview simulation and rest robot windows.

-Updates that just apply to OneCNCXR2 Profiler
OneCNCXR2 Profiler Professional and Profiler Express there was a correction made to handle multiple tabs.

New ability to have engraving on nested parts. This allows to have geometry or text for engraving on the part for nesting and after nesting all the information is on the nest for it. There is new dialog control for inserting the tool change code and the relevant required for the engraving including depth of engraving.

New ability to have router tabs in the profiler. This allows to have tabs inline with the profile and only lifting partially in Z so that the tab is thinner than the sheet thickness. All the engraving is handled automatically and there is no need for selection.

-Updates that just apply to OneCNCXR2 Lathe
There was a modification in the posting of G71 cycles in OneCNCXR2 Lathe to correct the line numbering due to the added X clearance values being set.
OneCNCXR2 lathe has new simulation where we now have a separate simulation window to comply with Windows Vista graphic requirements.

-Updates that just apply to OneCNCXR2 Mill series
OneCNCXR2 Milling Posts has been modified to have new posting ability added to handle Heidenhain series 200 cycles in all modes of multi axis planes.

Heidenhain cycles requiring feed values without the prefix "F" by using this new ability {-F} a minus in the brackets eliminates the "F" in the cycle feed values.

OneCNCXR2 Mill Drill functions back plot routines were modified to handle the back plot of drilling cycles and apply them to the layer Back plot.

OneCNCXR2 Mill Profile function now setting zero degrees and zero radius does not create duplicate Coordinates in the Posting.

OneCNCXR2 Milling series has new smoothing technology added to the SMT as well as the stock tool paths to assist in eliminating excess code. This has proved to be a boost in efficiency of the machine code as well as a much smoother tool path.


OneCNCXR2 7.99

Update OneCNCXR2 V7.99 released February 9 2007

Updates for all versions of OneCNCXR2

Windows Vista is not supported in version 7.99

- 3D Dimensions have been added to all OneCNCXR2 software packages
Due to popular request because it seems most are using 3D and solids now we decided to add 3D dimension ability to all our OneCNCXR2 systems. 
The dimensions are now under control of the "planes". This means that now in OneCNCXR2 the dimensions can be placed on any plane therefore making full 3D dimensioning possible using the standard font. The plane only sets the plane of the dimension and the dimension does not have to be actually on the plane as far as the depth is concerned. The suggested method of applying 3D dimensions to a model is just use the function extract all. Dimension the 3D model then delete the extracted layer.

- Added a switch in properties for Solidworks type mouse control
The zoom controlled by the mouse wheel has been the same as most other packages but reverse compared to Solidworks. The is now a switch in File> Properties> to control this.

- Modified the Japanese Korean and Chinese versions multi byte control.
This enables OneCNCXR2 to correctly handle multi byte characters in all the dialogs along with the calculator ability where value entry is required.

- More Language Spanish Japanese German Danish and Polish adjustments.
The new features in the software have been translated to the above languages.

Updates Specifically for OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM

- New functionality to control the start of 4 axis entry to the part.
This new functionality allows for controlled start entry on difficult parts. This would now allow for cutting directly to the corner of a pyramid just as an example ar being able to control it to enter directly on the side at an exact position. By moving the perpendicular position of the point in accordance with the top profile allows control of special start positions.

-New Post setting ability for Mitsubishi Wire EDM machines
OneCNCXR2 now has the special ability to handle absolute or incremental programming for 4 axis on Mitsubishi machines. Mitsubishi uses a Relative to last control between the upper UV guides and the lower XY guides.

-New back plot functionality support in OneCNCXR2 taper settings.
When using the Closed Shape function and setting the taper when you back plot the file it shows with indication arrows the direction of the taper. This makes it easy to confirm the taper being larger or smaller from the the selected profile.

-New functionality for the OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM EDM Hole function
There are many new combinations of settings available with the EDM hole function to allow quick program creation especially for multiple holes.

1. All holes start automatically from the center of the hole and enter at 45 deg
The 45 deg entry is to allow for automatic centering on applicable controls that use 0, 90, 180, and 270 deg positions.

2. A new setting for punch cut to not have spiral rough.
Punch cut does not have spiral removal now as it is a setting for removal as a cut off of the stub.

3. The ability to use "standard" with or without the spiral and with circular blend or deburr.
The spiral is turned off by using a step over larger than the hole radius.

4. The ability to use "glue gap" with or without the spiral and circular or deburr settings
The spiral is also turned off by applying a step over larger then the hole radius.


OneCNCXR2 7.95

Update OneCNCXR2 V7.95 released January 15 2007

Updates for all versions of OneCNCXR2

- Added new drivers for Hardlock series dongles ready for Windows Vista
Windows vista requires new dongle drivers so the existing drivers were modified to suit present operating systems as well as the new Windows Vista 32 Bit or 64 Bit

- Added new handling for OneCNC new series dongles ready for Windows Vista
OneCNC dongle numbers greater than 10000 are new series and do not require dongle drivers for Windows operating systems because they use the new HID technology.

- Added a new OneCNCXR2 install ready for Windows Vista installation.
Windows Vista has new security handling for installing files and the OneCNC Installation was modified ready to handle windows Vista.

Note: OneCNCXR2 is still not as yet supported for Windows vista until we test all the popular graphics cards and many graphics card drivers are still not available as of 14th January 2007

- Added ability to use certain variables in add custom including {X}{Y}
Custom code can be used to provide functionality in the NC manager between automatically generated functions.

- Added ability in combo boxes to handle multi-text languages
Certain Languages like Japanese are multi byte characters and OneCNCXR2 has been modified to handle these in the required Combo Boxes

- Added new updated Spanish language
Spanish language has been edited to better suit the mix of European Spanish as well as Mexican Spanish.

- Added new updated Japan language
The Japanese language has been updated to support all the new functionality including the OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM new version.

- Added new updated Danish language
The Danish language has been updated to support all the new functionality including the OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM new version.

- Added new updated Polish Language
The Polish language has been updated to support all the new functionality including the OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM new version.

- Added new updated German language
The German language has been updated to support all the new functionality including the OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM new version.

- Added new updated IGES import and Export.
The IGES file handling has been enhanced again to better handle bad files from other sources. This is an ongoing process and has now had 6 years of refinement.

- Added new updated STEP import and Export.
The STEP file handling has been enhanced again to better handle bad files from other sources. This is an ongoing process and has now had 5 years of refinement.

- Added new updated VDA-FS import and Export.
The VDA-FS file handling has been enhanced again to better handle bad files from other sources. This is an ongoing process and has now had 6 years of refinement.

- Added new updated SAT import and Export.
The SAT file handling has been enhanced again to better handle files from later versions.

- Updated German to handle commas instead of decimals throughout
German language uses commas instead of decimals like the English language. OneCNCXR2 contains the logic now to have the ability to work in either mode.

- Added OpenNURB “Rhino 4” files importing and saving ability
Rhino CAD is soon to release a new version of Rhino and we have added support for reading this new version 4.

- Added new dialog size and shape handling for Japanese dialogs
Japanese language being a multi byte language requires special handling of all dialogs compared to the English version and this has been added and is automatically invoked when installing the Japanese version. This is because of the differences between the different Windows OS.

- Added update to Japanese for dialog differences in the Windows 2000 OS
Japanese language Windows 2000 OS is different than Windows XP and Windows 2000 being still very popular in Japan we have now added the ability for OneCNCXR2 to handle this Operating System

- Added new network dongle series server installation
OneCNCXR2 now has new network ability and we have now developed our own server control to simplify the installation of OneCNCXR2 on Windows network operating system.

- Updated the Vectorize of text to handle Japanese and other multi-char languages 
Japanese fonts being multi-byte required special handling for the vectorize of the fonts this has now been added.

- Added new OneCNC server software into the install for new series dongles
To simplify the network installation of OneCNCXR2 the server software is includes in the one install and just required a separate CD Key to activate it.

- Added new functionality to handle older graphics cards
We were notified of OneCNCXR2 crashing on some older type Graphics cards so it has been enhanced to better handle all cards providing you obtain the latest drivers for your card from the internet web.

- Added new ability to handle binary or ASCII STL files
OneCNCXR2 now handles binary or ASCII STL files. When importing STL files OneCNC will automatically detect the type of file it is and switch to import it binary or ASCII.

- Added new cursor control to show end points when drawing a rectangle etc
OneCNCXR2 cursor control has been changed to show section end points when for example drawing a rectangle by end points.

Updates specifically for OneCNCXR2 Lathe versions

- Added new logic to better handle lathe grooving.
Grooving over the back of shoulders with cutter comp has been refined to work better.

- Modified the lathe thread cycle to work with work shift positions
- Changed depth cut on to allow negative value for internal thread cycles
- Added decimal point in German version lathe thread cycles instead of comma

Updates specifically for OneCNCXR2 Profiler Versions

- Added Reverse nest cut option into OneCNCXR2 profiler
The automatic nest cutting in Profiler normally cuts from XY zero outwards. There is now a setting to reverse this and cut from outside in.

- Modified profile cut entry exit to better handle some entry exit sizes
Certain size entry and exit did not show graphically correctly and this was modifies.

- Modified material cut cost calculation.
The costing of the cut was modified to accept all languages.

Updates specifically for OneCNCXR2 Mill Expert and Mill Professional Versions

- Added Solidworks direct file import to OneCNCXR2 Mill Professional and Expert
Support for directly reading Solidworks files up to and including Solidworks 2007 has now been added.

- Added Parasolids direct file import to OneCNCXR2 Mill Professional and Expert

- Added 5 single drilling to 5 axis planes
OneCNCXR2 single drilling function can now be used in the 4 Axis or 5 Axis modes.

- Updated the modeling functions to improve filleting and shelling.
Extensive ongoing refinement to the possibility types of filleting and shelling combinations have been added to this release of OneCNCXR2.

- Improved SMT tool paths RAM memory more efficiently and faster
Many users in the Mold and Die industries are now handling very large files. OneCNCXR2 now has been extensively refined to better handle files up to 2 Gig of memory.

- Large files up to 2 gig now possible with far better speed of calculation
The refinement of large file handling now means that all SMT files are processed much quicker.

- Added functionality to use the plunge roughing in 4 axis and 5 axis planes
Plunge roughing is now possible in 4 Axis and 5 Axis modes.

- Added new ability to outbound surface inexpert version
The Mill Expert version out bound surface function now has new logic to better handle the surfaces.

- Added ability to use Mill Profile in all planes on Multi Axis|
Profile function can now be use in 4Axis and 5 Axis function modes.

Updates specifically for OneCNCXR2 Mill Products

- Added new ability to Mill Profile to control collision in machine cutter comp.
Machine controls do not collision check for room between islands when using machine control cutter compensation. OneCNCXR2 now does this work for the control and when it passes the code to the machine control for cutter compensation is collision checks and corrects it accordingly.

- Added ability to handle Okuma style 4 axis where the control requires M15 M16
Okuma control requires a M15 for positive direction rotation and M16 for negative or minus angle direction. This ability was added to the OneCNCXR2 milling post.

- Added new handling ability for add custom code so they are not tied to tool end lines.
Custom code can be used to provide functionality in the NC manager between automatically generated functions.

- Added new ability to turn on and off feed rate rounding
This is handled with a setting in the material list setting dialog there is a check box to be tagged to enable rounding. This may need to be turned off to obtain more accurate feeds for threading values.

Updates specifically for OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM version

- Added OneCNCXR2 wire EDM

OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM is now available in the version. This is a total new software and does not bear much resemblance to the previous 2003 version.
It of course now has all the OneCNCXR2 functionality as well as many new features.

OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM is now model aware in the 4 axis cutting mode. This means if you have a 4 axis model OneCNCXR2 will automatically be aware of what it can cut with 4 axis. It is just a matter of selecting the model to be cut and selecting which side to apply the offset as well as the direction and the rest is basically automatic.

4 Axis also has cut compensation as well as multiple passes.

Complete directional control is now available in 2 axis and 4 axis with now a continuous or reversing direction between cuts.